DIY school supplies


We all know school is AWFUL but you can add a little bit of life in you school supplies.Personally I prefer the simplest school supplies but it comes to personal preference.

So the first DIY are those pencils:

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These quote pencils are ADOROBLE so yea….To make them you will need :

a boll with water



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And some quotes:

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Print the quotes, then stick the tape on to the quotes and press cut the quotes and then put them in the bowl with water for about a minute and then pill the paper and stick on the pencil.

P.S this idea I got from JENerationDIY


Another way you can customize  your pencils is by using washi tape.

Резултат с изображение за washi tape pencils


I LOVE highlighters but when you have a color cording system is hard to have so many colors so DIY them


to make this awesome look took 3-4 highlighters and let the ink transfer into one and BAM 😀

Or just buy zebra mild liners they are really really pretty and they come 5 in a pack (there are 4 packs )

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So first you can make one just follow the pictures here:

Резултат с изображение за how to make a pencil case step by step


To decorate your backpack you can put paches


or add some color

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You can do so much things with your backpack so get CREATIVE ( or search in Pinterest )

So these are some of my ideas that you can do to decorate your school supplies bu BYE

Marie K.

Hello there,

I am Maria ( Marie) and this is my blog.I will use it for a lot of things,I will post pictures,videos and some different posts and basically I am gonna have fun.I hope you will like this blog!!

                                                                                   XOXO Marie